
What’s so terrible about toddler’s two ?

It’s one of the most overused phrases when referring to this age group, but are the “terrible twos” really so bad?

While life with a toddler certainly isn’t dull, the very trait that leads to challenging behavior in the first place—a stubborn quest for independence—is also what makes your child enthusiastic, lively, funny, and affectionate.

The transition from baby to toddler is one of the most significant developmental leaps that humans experience, so it’s not surprising that it’s pretty intense, and a tad rocky at times. Your toddler’s emotions are raw and immediate, and a lack of self-consciousness means that whatever he is feeling is on display for all the world to see—whether at a playgroup, at stores, or at home.

The immediacy and strength of his emotions can be stressful to experience, but these are the same feelings that can bowl you over as he flings his arms around you in an enthusiastic embrace. By maintaining a positive mindset and making an effort to understand what your child is experiencing, you can make all the difference to family life.

As your child approaches his second year, three significant changes are underway: a growing sense of self-awareness; increased mobility; and the acquisition of language. A toddler’s brain is twice as active as an adult’s—no wonder they get tired.

The same curiosity that can lead to conflict is also an indication of a healthy interest in the world, and a signal to you that he’s ready to interact with more complex stimuli, such as puzzles, challenging toys, varied physical play, and other children and adults. Your child finds the world fascinating, and it’s up to you to provide him with the scope to explore it safely and expressively.

At the same time, your child is also developing a growing sense of “me” and will want to let you know his likes and dislikes. His vocabulary is growing, almost daily, which means he can express himself more clearly, but this can be challenging for him (and you) since words may not always be clear.

‘His bid for independence can lead to clashes, but also shows that your child is engaged, active, and learning to deal with life.

He may become rapidly frustrated when you are unable to understand him. Try to think of it as an entertaining and interesting time, as your child learns to interact socially. All of these developments have a flip side, and this is where toddlers get bad press.

parent waves : toddler's two

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