
Character building

However, if your child is reserved in new situations, pushing him in a new direction may increase his wariness more. Is there an age when character traits become fixed? It’s possible that the early years provide an important window of opportunity for your child.

One 2010 study reported in Life Science suggests that a child’s character is set by the age of six. It followed 2,400 children from the 1960s and compared teacher “personality” reports with character traits 40 years later and found that these same traits influenced their behavior as adults.

Other studies show more variety, and suggest that personalities do evolve over time, shaped by life events and external influences. Research published in 2010 reinforces the theory of the interaction between genes and environment, noting how effective parents take a child’s nature into account when making day-to-day decisions.
You can help an overly boisterous child recognize boundaries, and a socially awkward child find ways to play with others.

Nathan Fox, a human development professor at the University of Maryland, believes that while your child’s temperament can dictate how social situations play out, paying attention to “temperament” cues avoids distress and can build your child’s confidence.

Being sensitive to your child’s particular traits can help you predict what will or won’t work for him and can help a reserved child to flourish. Fox warns against being overly protective and suggests that gradually exposing a child to new social scenarios with you at his side can help him overcome fears and become more socially confident. You can also help your child to develop conversational strategies, for example try teaching him to say, “Can I play that game with you?”

baby character

Your child could have a gene for being artistic, but you need to provide the paper and paint and take him to art museums.

The latest research says that certain genes may be turned “on” or “off” by a particular environment. A stressful, chaotic home may activate a gene for shyness, while that same gene remains dormant in a calm home.
It follows that while your baby’s genes may favor him having certain traits, for example, being friendly or creative, he needs to be in a stimulating environment for these traits to flourish.

Social and emotional support are important, but practical care and nutrition have a bearing too. Tired, hungry children will be irritable, no matter what their natural temperament is and a nutritious, varied diet will help keep your child calm.

A safe, comfortable home will help your child feel secure and foster his confidence that the world is a good place to explore. There’s little doubt that your child’s early years are formative for his emerging personality, and your role is key. And it will be lots of fun to see how he turns out.

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